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Cheung Man Yee
b.1988(Hong Kong)

Man Yee Cheung, Janette who is borned in Hong Kong, is known for her adorable and local art style. Educated in Illustration and Graphic Design, and further studies in Central Saint Martins College of Art in 2019, Janette created her own lovable character of Mr. Q Panda with simple colours and Hong Kong elements as background.
Janette was invited by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) to showcase her artwork at the Design Gallery. Her passion and skill also earned her an exclusive invitation to speak at Hong Kong university, where she shared her art journey. She participated in the HKICS SHOW, exhibited at The Mills and Harbour North, and collaborated with renowned brands.
Having worked in design and illustration for many years, Janette's artistic compositions on the canvas are often influenced, to some extent, by design theory. However, she believes in finding a balance of creating Mr. Q panda harmoniously. She enjoys infusing her emotions into each artwork while advancing her painting skills, hoping that her creations can bring a smile to the audience.
張敏儀(Man Yee Cheung)出生於香港,以她可愛而充滿本地特色的藝術風格而聞名。2019年,她於在中央聖馬丁藝術學院進修插圖和平面設計。敏儀創作了她自己可愛的角色 — 萌Q(Mr. Q Panda)。她運用簡潔的色彩和香港地標作為背景,將她的熊貓形象變得更加真實和立體。
敏儀被香港貿易發展局(HKTDC)邀請在設計畫廊展示她的作品。她曾受邀在香港大學發表演講,分享她的藝術之旅。她還參加了香港國際創意設計展(HKICS SHOW),在南豐紗廠和北角匯舉辦展覽,並與知名品牌合作,展示了她將香港本土文化風格融入各種創意可愛的繪畫技能。
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