Kwing Wing
Poon Kwing Wing has been interested in the colours blue and white for a long time, this collection of artwork "Running Water, Mountain High 高山流水" created in 2007 and its the last two artworks available for this collection.
He says, "In China, the colour blue is often thought of as the blue in porcelain. There's blue in many things in daily life; usually, it matches the colour white we see in Chinese pottery and porcelain. This creates a unique culture."
He uses varying shades of blue and white in his latest works. He wants to convey the same feelings of serenity and comfort to the viewer, which he himself felt when painting these colours together for this collection.
Running Water Mountain High collection is painted with acrylic "Shan-Shui" paintings on canvas. Poon skilfully captured the essences of majestic mountains and sceneries with the minimal variations in colours and brush strokes. Shan-Shui paintings of oriental artists harbour deeper connotations and are very different from the landscape paintings of their occidental counterparts. The paintings are not mere artistic reproductions of certain landscapes. They are frequently the philosophical interpretation of the creators of their environs, their mindscapes.
His acrylic Shan-Shui is clearly an extension of his ink Shan-Shui paintings. The new works are more clean-cut. The minimal treatment in depiction aims to catch and bring forth the deep tranquillity of Mother Nature rather than to explore the complexity of the scenery.
Running Water Mountain High
The jagged mountain rises above the thin veil of fleeting clouds in all her majesty.
Faint sound from the nearby stream breaks the Great silence.
Nature is speechless but I could feel her passion.
I am in awe and in love with the Great Spirit.
"山水畫" 是東方藝術家對描繪風景內容的作品的統稱,不一定是對實景的寫生,往往極可能只是藝術家們內心的丘壑。水禾田用攝影機去捕捉人與景,近卅年來,經已是深入民心了,在 "高山流水" 山水畫展覽中,他改用丙稀油彩簡約地描繪著他的山水,這是他的一種新嘗試。這系列帶有 "簡約主義" ,無論在色調與筆觸,水禾田把變化減至最少;他把大自然磅礡之氣勢,用同色調但不同深淺的色塊,再配上精簡的白線條,呈現于畫布上。經常體驗大自然的他,深度地提升出山水的精華,用極具魅力的技巧,描繪下他內心的景觀。