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Kwing Wing Poon

KaKa Series


從未間斷過攝影,亦一直持續著水墨與水彩畫的創作的的水禾田,為作家亦舒著作中的女性主角創作了一系列的水彩畫。1980年,他為亦舒小說作品設計封面,並親自繪製水彩封面與內頁的插圖,當中包括 《朝花夕拾》 、 《喜寶》 、 《玫瑰的故事》 、《我的前半生》  等等。​水禾田畫筆下那位長長秀髮,臉頰塗了兩團大紅胭脂的封面女郎,滲透著強烈的女性意識,有著獨立性格,以自愛自立為本。


亦舒這作家的書中故事縱然不一樣,但女主角都一般性格:獨立、自主、溫柔又不失堅毅,而家家就是代表着這樣的女性。現列出的作品是水禾田依據當年的人物角色,參考小說封面並重新搆圖,創作出以都市女子 - 家家為主題的水彩畫,他將背景置於大家熟悉的香港,每幅均配有一段凝聚人生哲理的文字描述,旨在表達現代女性的一面。


Poon kwing wing, who has never interrupted his photography and has been continuously creating ink and watercolor paintings, has recently created a series of watercolor paintings based on the theme of "The Girls" in the works of the writer Yi Shu. In 1980, Poon kwing wing designed book covers for Yi Shu's novels and personally painted watercolour illustrations for the covers and interior pages, including "Morning Glory, Evening Tears," "Xi Bao," "The Story of Roses," "The First Half of My Life," and others.


Regardless of the different stories in the books by the author Yi Shu, the female protagonists generally share common traits: they are independent, self-reliant, gentle yet resilient, and Kaka embodies such a woman. The listed works are based on the characters from that period, reconstructed and created as watercolor paintings with urban women as the theme. Poon kwing wing sets the backgrounds in the familiar setting of Hong Kong, and each piece is accompanied by a text description that encapsulates philosophical insights about life. The aim is to express a facet of modern women.

Recollection 追憶

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